#1: Up In Smoke

#1: Up In Smoke published on No Comments on #1: Up In Smoke

The strip that started it all! Posted in mid-2006 (the actual date in question is lost to time, as Shawn deleted and re-uploaded the archives several times), this was the strip that changed the face of gamer-related webcomics forever, the first shot across the bow signaling the birth of the Shawn Tuckley Empire. Shawn had,… Continue reading #1: Up In Smoke

#524: Sold Out

#524: Sold Out published on No Comments on #524: Sold Out

A tough comic to read, taken from the 2009 “Switchy’s Missing” storyline, one in a series of many dramatic storylines starring Red Ring’s iconic mascot and fan favorite character (others would include: “Switchy on Trial,” “Switchy Deported,” and “Switchy’s Been Drafted!” Shawn’s feelings about Switchy would vary wildly over the years – while he would… Continue reading #524: Sold Out

#10: Celda Sucks

#10: Celda Sucks published on No Comments on #10: Celda Sucks

The controversy of the Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker’s cel-shaded “cartoony” graphics – leading many to refer to it as “Celda” – is Shawn’s target here, and he dispatches with it in classic form. Shawn’s opinion that Wind Waker’s style was child-friendly trash and a disgrace to the Zelda name was shared by many… Continue reading #10: Celda Sucks

#12: Master Grief

#12: Master Grief published on No Comments on #12: Master Grief

The first strip of the very first multi-comic story in Red Ring’s history, so we’ve got another important one! More importantly, we’re finally getting more of a glimpse into Shawn’s girlfriend Dinah’s character, and seeing her more streamlined character design for the first time. Awesome to see a “gamer girl” being so dominant and powerful… Continue reading #12: Master Grief

#13: Consequences

#13: Consequences published on No Comments on #13: Consequences

One of the first examples of Shawn’s storytelling prowess. You thought the previous strip was just a one-off gag? Think again. Dinah’s actions have consequences, as we see in this strip. This is also the first time we really see Graham’s level-headedness and respect for Shawn coming to light – sure, they might disagree, but… Continue reading #13: Consequences

#14: Redemption

#14: Redemption published on No Comments on #14: Redemption

A conclusion to this riveting storyline. Great to see Dinah doing the right thing here. Some words from Shawn regarding this particular story: “I don’t think women entirely understand what a video game win means to us men. If a woman wins or loses in a video game, it is almost a non-event.. they go… Continue reading #14: Redemption

#764: The Greatest Treasure

#764: The Greatest Treasure published on No Comments on #764: The Greatest Treasure

Despite everything that happened before (and after) it, Red Ring’s Shawn & Dinah marriage arc is still one of the most moving, emotional and romantic arcs in the history of the comics medium, exemplified in this strip. Honestly, it’s hard not to read this one in particular and not break down in tears. Shawn himself… Continue reading #764: The Greatest Treasure

#2,497: My Sacrifice

#2,497: My Sacrifice published on No Comments on #2,497: My Sacrifice

Posted during a serious upheaval in Shawn’s personal life at the time, this strip would mark the beginning of what Red Ring fans refer to as “The Dark Ages” of Red Ring’s lifespan, from around 2014-2016. It is hard not to see why. I don’t want to go into too many of the details regarding… Continue reading #2,497: My Sacrifice

#23: That’s Our Switchy!

#23: That’s Our Switchy! published on

The beginning of another hilarious Red Ring story arc, this time centered around our beloved Switchy’s “munchie” antics! Rumor has it that this storyline was based on a real-life event involving Shawn’s actual 24th birthday party. However, the actual event involved Shawn himself throwing up after drinking too much Mountain Dew Code Red mixed with… Continue reading #23: That’s Our Switchy!

#24: Happy Barf-Day

#24: Happy Barf-Day published on

The laughs just keep on coming! I know a lot of folks are going to be asking about the glut of “full Switchy” fan art that resulted from this strip, which some could argue became borderline fetishistic. While that could be the case (and Shawn certainly thought so, considering he would ban anyone who posted… Continue reading #24: Happy Barf-Day