#25: It’s-A Birthday!

#25: It’s-A Birthday! published on

The hilarious conclusion to this storyline! Some fans were a little confused as to why Switchy, the one character who actually ate Shawn’s cake, was let off the hook, while Graham and Dinah were harshly punished and threatened with murder. For one I think it’s obvious that Switchy should NOT be held to the standards… Continue reading #25: It’s-A Birthday!

#38: No Matter What It Takes

#38: No Matter What It Takes published on No Comments on #38: No Matter What It Takes

The second page of this incredible story – you can already feel Shawn’s storytelling prowess growing by leaps and bounds. Hard to read this one again, honestly, but proud to present it to a new audience!

#47: Enter: The Masked Lawyer

#47: Enter: The Masked Lawyer published on No Comments on #47: Enter: The Masked Lawyer

The “Switchy On Trial” storyline continues with an incredible revelation about this arc’s primary villain! Some real twists and turns are sure to come!!