#1: Up In Smoke

#1: Up In Smoke published on No Comments on #1: Up In Smoke

The strip that started it all! Posted in mid-2006 (the actual date in question is lost to time, as Shawn deleted and re-uploaded the archives several times), this was the strip that changed the face of gamer-related webcomics forever, the first shot across the bow signaling the birth of the Shawn Tuckley Empire. Shawn had,… Continue reading #1: Up In Smoke

#2: No Cake For Oil

#2: No Cake For Oil published on No Comments on #2: No Cake For Oil

The second Red Ring of Death still stands as one of the most important political strips of its era, and one of the most important strips in Shawn’s career. In the middle of the contentious Iraq War, not enough people were bold enough to state that perhaps BOTH sides were wrong, and that the answer… Continue reading #2: No Cake For Oil

#3: PC Gamer Slayer

#3: PC Gamer Slayer published on No Comments on #3: PC Gamer Slayer

While Shawn was a PC gamer himself, he had no lack of hatred for “PC gaming diehards,” which led to this strip. An important one, as it not only establishes Shawn (the character)’s job at the Game Store, but we have our first violence-centric punchline that Shawn would only perfect as the years went on.… Continue reading #3: PC Gamer Slayer

#4: Spitball

#4: Spitball published on No Comments on #4: Spitball

Take that, sports fans!! Shawn’s takedown of troglodyte, aggressive sports fans – and all of sports, as a concept – only further enamoured him with gamers worldwide. Another example of Shawn being right on the money with his satirical targets!

#524: Sold Out

#524: Sold Out published on No Comments on #524: Sold Out

A tough comic to read, taken from the 2009 “Switchy’s Missing” storyline, one in a series of many dramatic storylines starring Red Ring’s iconic mascot and fan favorite character (others would include: “Switchy on Trial,” “Switchy Deported,” and “Switchy’s Been Drafted!” Shawn’s feelings about Switchy would vary wildly over the years – while he would… Continue reading #524: Sold Out

#5: Circumstance

#5: Circumstance published on No Comments on #5: Circumstance

Some hilarious shenanigans here! This strip debuts Shawn’s level-headed roommate and comic foil Graham, a Playstation fanboy and voice of reason to counteract Shawn’s goofier tendencies. Not much is known about the origin of Graham’s character, but he seems to be based on Shawn’s college roommate Howie, one of the few people Shawn has publicly… Continue reading #5: Circumstance

Alt text test

#450: Thumbs Down

#450: Thumbs Down published on No Comments on #450: Thumbs Down

An absolute classic excerpt from another one of Red Ring’s most legendary story arcs: 2010’s “Gamer Nation” arc. Shawn’s story of creating his own nation of Gamers, free of the persecution of the noobs, normies and nooblords of the so-called “United States of America,” resonated deeply with the Red Ring fanbase and led diehard fans… Continue reading #450: Thumbs Down

#6: Ho Ho Ho No

#6: Ho Ho Ho No published on No Comments on #6: Ho Ho Ho No

Some classic holiday hilarity here! For anyone unaware of the “current gaming news” in 2006 who might be a little confused: upon release, the Playstation 3 was considered something of an overpriced boondoggle compared to the XBox 360 and the Nintendo Wii, with few launch titles and a steep $599 price point. While the PS3… Continue reading #6: Ho Ho Ho No

#8: Bedtime Stories

#8: Bedtime Stories published on No Comments on #8: Bedtime Stories

Another important strip, the first one to display Shawn’s outspoken atheism. While Shawn has remained a steadfast atheist (and vocally anti-religion) for most of his life, his beliefs have varied wildly and various points in his life, to the point where Shawn has professed a belief in many different spiritual beings and/or deities (and, in… Continue reading #8: Bedtime Stories

#9: Boomerang Controller

#9: Boomerang Controller published on No Comments on #9: Boomerang Controller

Shawn eviscerates the Playstation 3 once again! Sony fanboys were a frequent target of Shawn’s ire, and they once again get their comeuppance here.  This is, once again, based on an actual experience Shawn had during his Funcoland years – although instead of a full grown man, it was a 10 year old boy asking… Continue reading #9: Boomerang Controller