#106: Our Most Persecuted Minority

#106: Our Most Persecuted Minority published on No Comments on #106: Our Most Persecuted Minority

This is Shawn’s first strip covering the Father’s Rights movement, and it certainly wouldn’t be his last. So thankful to Shawn for shining a light on this important issue!!

#109: Gaming Without Borders

#109: Gaming Without Borders published on 1 Comment on #109: Gaming Without Borders

The Osama Bin Laden arc continues with Shawn’s hilarious interpretation of one of history’s greatest terrorists. Only Shawn could pull off satire like this!!

#1,023: Santa Claus Is Going To Hell

#1,023: Santa Claus Is Going To Hell published on No Comments on #1,023: Santa Claus Is Going To Hell

Another one of Shawn’s yearly Christmas strips, he once again delivers violent justice to Santa Claus! Merry Christmas!! (Also, please remember that FFXIV had a very different reputation in 2010.)