#1,246: Justice

#1,246: Justice published on No Comments on #1,246: Justice

Here’s a glimpse of what a typical Red Ring strip was like in 2012, after Shawn’s artistic style and ability had evolved considerably. The expressions, the gestures, the detail right down to Shawn’s teeth and spit – its honestly shocking, to see how much the man improved!  Not to mention the content of the strip,… Continue reading #1,246: Justice

#10: Celda Sucks

#10: Celda Sucks published on No Comments on #10: Celda Sucks

The controversy of the Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker’s cel-shaded “cartoony” graphics – leading many to refer to it as “Celda” – is Shawn’s target here, and he dispatches with it in classic form. Shawn’s opinion that Wind Waker’s style was child-friendly trash and a disgrace to the Zelda name was shared by many… Continue reading #10: Celda Sucks

#11: Look What The Kritter Dragged In

#11: Look What The Kritter Dragged In published on No Comments on #11: Look What The Kritter Dragged In

Another important strip in Red Ring history, Shawn’s first ever crossover! The wonderful KJ Henderton of the gamer comic classic Konsole Kritterz lent his hilarious protagonist Dante for this one, and Shawn did a delightful job in appropriating his zany sense of humor for this strip. Of course, it would be wonderful to see more… Continue reading #11: Look What The Kritter Dragged In

#12: Master Grief

#12: Master Grief published on No Comments on #12: Master Grief

The first strip of the very first multi-comic story in Red Ring’s history, so we’ve got another important one! More importantly, we’re finally getting more of a glimpse into Shawn’s girlfriend Dinah’s character, and seeing her more streamlined character design for the first time. Awesome to see a “gamer girl” being so dominant and powerful… Continue reading #12: Master Grief

#13: Consequences

#13: Consequences published on No Comments on #13: Consequences

One of the first examples of Shawn’s storytelling prowess. You thought the previous strip was just a one-off gag? Think again. Dinah’s actions have consequences, as we see in this strip. This is also the first time we really see Graham’s level-headedness and respect for Shawn coming to light – sure, they might disagree, but… Continue reading #13: Consequences

#14: Redemption

#14: Redemption published on No Comments on #14: Redemption

A conclusion to this riveting storyline. Great to see Dinah doing the right thing here. Some words from Shawn regarding this particular story: “I don’t think women entirely understand what a video game win means to us men. If a woman wins or loses in a video game, it is almost a non-event.. they go… Continue reading #14: Redemption

#16: Diaperwhipped

#16: Diaperwhipped published on No Comments on #16: Diaperwhipped

A comic exploring Shawn’s long-standing “childfree” lifestyle, which he would remain committed to throughout his life. Before Red Ring even started, Shawn was a frequent poster in the “childfree” Livejournal community, a community of folks dedicated to never having children and often referring to both parents and children themselves in less-than-flattering terms. This community would… Continue reading #16: Diaperwhipped

#17: Mommy Martyr

#17: Mommy Martyr published on No Comments on #17: Mommy Martyr

The follow up to the previous strip, and our first glimpse of Hector, Shawn’s manager at the Game Store. Interesting for Shawn to portray Hector as being on his side here, especially considering that his relationship with his actual manager at Funcoland was… well, somewhat less than friendly, let’s leave it at that.

#596: Permaban This

#596: Permaban This published on No Comments on #596: Permaban This

Now here we have one of the most notorious strips in the Red Ring oeuvre, posted in 2009 after the comic had been well established for several years. This was a double-sided coin for Shawn; while he had gained enough of a fanbase that he was able to make a living just from making his… Continue reading #596: Permaban This

#764: The Greatest Treasure

#764: The Greatest Treasure published on No Comments on #764: The Greatest Treasure

Despite everything that happened before (and after) it, Red Ring’s Shawn & Dinah marriage arc is still one of the most moving, emotional and romantic arcs in the history of the comics medium, exemplified in this strip. Honestly, it’s hard not to read this one in particular and not break down in tears. Shawn himself… Continue reading #764: The Greatest Treasure