#74: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Callahan

#74: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Callahan published on No Comments on #74: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Callahan

Shawn really did not have a pleasant experience sitting next to Mr. Callahan, which would lead him to some personal issues later in life. Still fun to see his typical acidic wit!

#76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2

#76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2 published on No Comments on #76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2

Shawn certainly had to deal with a lot of zealous fans at cons, and as a longtime fan myself I love to be playfully ribbed! Hilarious stuff from Shawn!

#77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful

#77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful published on No Comments on #77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful

Despite Tracie Collins vehemently claiming this exchange never occurred, and the personal issues Shawn seemed to be dealing with, still a very entertaining look into Shawn’s life!

#80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale

#80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale published on No Comments on #80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale

The last comic in Shawn’s autobio arc about Comixcon 2006. What a ride its been! (Despite Shawn’s note at the end, he would not be invited back to Comixcon in 2007 or any other year.)