#1: Up In Smoke

#1: Up In Smoke published on No Comments on #1: Up In Smoke

The strip that started it all! Posted in mid-2006 (the actual date in question is lost to time, as Shawn deleted and re-uploaded the archives several times), this was the strip that changed the face of gamer-related webcomics forever, the first shot across the bow signaling the birth of the Shawn Tuckley Empire. Shawn had,… Continue reading #1: Up In Smoke

#23: That’s Our Switchy!

#23: That’s Our Switchy! published on

The beginning of another hilarious Red Ring story arc, this time centered around our beloved Switchy’s “munchie” antics! Rumor has it that this storyline was based on a real-life event involving Shawn’s actual 24th birthday party. However, the actual event involved Shawn himself throwing up after drinking too much Mountain Dew Code Red mixed with… Continue reading #23: That’s Our Switchy!

#24: Happy Barf-Day

#24: Happy Barf-Day published on

The laughs just keep on coming! I know a lot of folks are going to be asking about the glut of “full Switchy” fan art that resulted from this strip, which some could argue became borderline fetishistic. While that could be the case (and Shawn certainly thought so, considering he would ban anyone who posted… Continue reading #24: Happy Barf-Day

#25: It’s-A Birthday!

#25: It’s-A Birthday! published on

The hilarious conclusion to this storyline! Some fans were a little confused as to why Switchy, the one character who actually ate Shawn’s cake, was let off the hook, while Graham and Dinah were harshly punished and threatened with murder. For one I think it’s obvious that Switchy should NOT be held to the standards… Continue reading #25: It’s-A Birthday!

#37: That Fateful Day

#37: That Fateful Day published on No Comments on #37: That Fateful Day

The first strip in Red Ring’s first major story arc, and the one that many fans cite as the one that really got them “hooked” by Shawn’s storytelling chops. This storyline really changed the gaming webcomic game forever, and we’re excited to present it to you once again!

#38: No Matter What It Takes

#38: No Matter What It Takes published on No Comments on #38: No Matter What It Takes

The second page of this incredible story – you can already feel Shawn’s storytelling prowess growing by leaps and bounds. Hard to read this one again, honestly, but proud to present it to a new audience!