#61: The Day Gaming Died

#61: The Day Gaming Died published on No Comments on #61: The Day Gaming Died

An absolutely devastating, powerful moment from the “Switchy on Trial” story arc, and another strip showcasing Shawn’s incredible storytelling prowess. And to think that it only becomes more brutal and powerful from here…

#66: The Passion of the Switchy

#66: The Passion of the Switchy published on No Comments on #66: The Passion of the Switchy

Continuing the “Switchy on Trial” storyline with this incredible tableau, Shawn broke the boundaries of what “gaming webcomics” were capable of forever. Legendary!

#69: Hoes Before Toads

#69: Hoes Before Toads published on 1 Comment on #69: Hoes Before Toads

True to form for comic #69, Shawn delivers more of his hilarious ribald gaming humor! A real classic here, not for the kids! (Once again asking politely to not ask for an uncensored version of this strip – it does not exist.)

#83: The Finale

#83: The Finale published on 2 Comments on #83: The Finale

After months of anticipation (and legal threats from aggrieved fans), Shawn finally announced the last strips of his “Switchy on Trial” story arc. Many questioned the veracity of the quotes included, but still very exciting!