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#21: Zero Out of Ten

#21: Zero Out of Ten published on 1 Comment on #21: Zero Out of Ten

An absolutely brutal takedown of so-called gaming “critics,” Shawn delivering one of his most incisive and powerful punchlines here. This strip was released shortly after Gamespot released its controversial 8.8/10 review for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a score that infuriated many dedicated Zelda fans, including Shawn. “Twilight Princess was a 15 out of 10, at minimum,” he said at the time. “We have a gamer critic ‘media’ that knows no joy, no understanding of game mechanics. They want every game to be pretentious artiste filth. These people are our enemies.”

Hilarious as this comic is, it unfortunately became notorious when it was discovered that Shawn had been emailing IGN constantly over the course of 2010-2013 submitting the same Heavy Rain review over and over again, trying to taunt them into publishing it. Not one of Shawn’s prouder moments, but still, I’m sure the review itself was great!

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2 years ago

Good comic

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