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#3: PC Gamer Slayer

#3: PC Gamer Slayer published on No Comments on #3: PC Gamer Slayer

While Shawn was a PC gamer himself, he had no lack of hatred for “PC gaming diehards,” which led to this strip. An important one, as it not only establishes Shawn (the character)’s job at the Game Store, but we have our first violence-centric punchline that Shawn would only perfect as the years went on. So exciting to see its first use here!

Shawn did work part time at a Funcoland during his college years, so these strips are laced with the authenticity of a true retail warrior – part of the reason they resonated with so many readers. I’m sure many a game store employee has wanted to do this exact thing to an awful customer! (In fact, Shawn’s shoving of a 13 year old customer who called The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap “noob shit” is one of many reasons why his employment at Funcoland was terminated).

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