#76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2

#76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2 published on No Comments on #76: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Fans Part 2

Shawn certainly had to deal with a lot of zealous fans at cons, and as a longtime fan myself I love to be playfully ribbed! Hilarious stuff from Shawn!

#77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful

#77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful published on No Comments on #77: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Forever Faithful

Despite Tracie Collins vehemently claiming this exchange never occurred, and the personal issues Shawn seemed to be dealing with, still a very entertaining look into Shawn’s life!

#80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale

#80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale published on No Comments on #80: The Comixcon 2006 Saga: Finale

The last comic in Shawn’s autobio arc about Comixcon 2006. What a ride its been! (Despite Shawn’s note at the end, he would not be invited back to Comixcon in 2007 or any other year.)

#83: The Finale

#83: The Finale published on 2 Comments on #83: The Finale

After months of anticipation (and legal threats from aggrieved fans), Shawn finally announced the last strips of his “Switchy on Trial” story arc. Many questioned the veracity of the quotes included, but still very exciting!

#84: The Saviour Arrives

#84: The Saviour Arrives published on No Comments on #84: The Saviour Arrives

The “Switchy on Trial” storyline makes its shocking and dramatic return! I don’t think any of us saw this twist coming!! Hold on to your butts, Gamer Nation, it only gets crazier from here!!!