#1,690: One Nation, Under Shawn

#1,690: One Nation, Under Shawn published on No Comments on #1,690: One Nation, Under Shawn

Released in the week before the 2012 Presidential election, this strip was Shawn’s last ditch effort to revitalize his crumbling bid for the Presidency. An incredible bit of history!

#33: Marriage: The Final Level

#33: Marriage: The Final Level published on No Comments on #33: Marriage: The Final Level

So happy to share one of the most heartfelt and romantic strips in Red Ring’s run, in which Shawn finally popped the question to his longtime girlfriend Dinah Friedberg. No matter what her answer ended up being (no), this is still wonderful to look back on!

#35: Metroid Prime 2 Was The Best Metroid By Far

#35: Metroid Prime 2 Was The Best Metroid By Far published on No Comments on #35: Metroid Prime 2 Was The Best Metroid By Far

One of Shawn’s first broad swipes at a contemporary webcomic artist, targeting Cutie Boops author Ricky Stephenson, and certainly not the last. Some might call this a little mean spirited, but heck, funny is funny!

#36: He Can’t Stop Blathering

#36: He Can’t Stop Blathering published on No Comments on #36: He Can’t Stop Blathering

Shawn decided to completely break the bounds of comics as we know it in order to deliver a message to a certain fellow “comics thinker” he had some issues with. A pretty exciting piece of art here! High-Resolution Versions Here’s the comic in 3 higher-res chunks, for anyone having trouble reading the original strip! Full… Continue reading #36: He Can’t Stop Blathering

#37: That Fateful Day

#37: That Fateful Day published on No Comments on #37: That Fateful Day

The first strip in Red Ring’s first major story arc, and the one that many fans cite as the one that really got them “hooked” by Shawn’s storytelling chops. This storyline really changed the gaming webcomic game forever, and we’re excited to present it to you once again!

#38: No Matter What It Takes

#38: No Matter What It Takes published on No Comments on #38: No Matter What It Takes

The second page of this incredible story – you can already feel Shawn’s storytelling prowess growing by leaps and bounds. Hard to read this one again, honestly, but proud to present it to a new audience!