#40: Point of No Return
A shocking strip, and really a turning point for Red Ring. We knew Shawn was capable of this kind of storytelling, but this really took things to another level. Where do we go from here..?
The Official Archives of Red Ring of Death, the most influential gaming webcomic of 2006, written and created by Shawn Tuckley.
A shocking strip, and really a turning point for Red Ring. We knew Shawn was capable of this kind of storytelling, but this really took things to another level. Where do we go from here..?
While this was the first in the “Don’t You Wish?” strip series, which would become a fan favorite over the years, its sudden placement in the middle of the harrowing “Switchy On Trial” storyline was controversial.
A sequel to the previous year’s Christmas strip, and another holiday winner! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, folks!
The true grimness of this comic is hard to take in, but you have to sit back and marvel at Shawn’s dramatic shadowing prowess in this strip. Where will this story go next??
One of the most masterful, artistic strips in the “Switchy on Trial” storyline, and one of the most groundbreaking gamer strips of all time. Nothing was the same after this one. So proud to present it to you all again!
A mysterious new development in this storyline! Who is this stranger in the shadows? Keep reading to find out!
The plot thickens here.. seems like a lot of powerful forces want to see Switchy in jail! How can he possibly get out of this??
Shawn once again taking a break from the very intense Switchy story arc to deliver this send up of Final Fantasy 7’s love triangle (and explore some of his own personal beliefs as well). Hilarious!
The “Switchy On Trial” storyline continues with an incredible revelation about this arc’s primary villain! Some real twists and turns are sure to come!!
An iconic moment in this storyline, and indeed, the final panel is one of the most iconic in all of gaming webcomic history. So honored to share this amazing strip!