#6: Ho Ho Ho No

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Some classic holiday hilarity here! For anyone unaware of the “current gaming news” in 2006 who might be a little confused: upon release, the Playstation 3 was considered something of an overpriced boondoggle compared to the XBox 360 and the Nintendo Wii, with few launch titles and a steep $599 price point. While the PS3… Continue reading #6: Ho Ho Ho No

#9: Boomerang Controller

#9: Boomerang Controller published on No Comments on #9: Boomerang Controller

Shawn eviscerates the Playstation 3 once again! Sony fanboys were a frequent target of Shawn’s ire, and they once again get their comeuppance here.  This is, once again, based on an actual experience Shawn had during his Funcoland years – although instead of a full grown man, it was a 10 year old boy asking… Continue reading #9: Boomerang Controller