#83: The Finale

#83: The Finale published on 2 Comments on #83: The Finale

After months of anticipation (and legal threats from aggrieved fans), Shawn finally announced the last strips of his “Switchy on Trial” story arc. Many questioned the veracity of the quotes included, but still very exciting!

#84: The Saviour Arrives

#84: The Saviour Arrives published on No Comments on #84: The Saviour Arrives

The “Switchy on Trial” storyline makes its shocking and dramatic return! I don’t think any of us saw this twist coming!! Hold on to your butts, Gamer Nation, it only gets crazier from here!!!

#85: The Evil Revealed..?

#85: The Evil Revealed..? published on No Comments on #85: The Evil Revealed..?

Finally, the Mysterious Masked Lawyer is revealed.. or is he? What does this shocking twist mean for the story?? Cling to your controllers, Gamer Nation – we all know what’s coming next!

#86: Get Behind Thee Thompson

#86: Get Behind Thee Thompson published on 1 Comment on #86: Get Behind Thee Thompson

The true villain of the “Switchy On Trial” arc is finally revealed in one of the most iconic plot twists of all time! None of us saw this one coming!! Great to relive the narrative genius of Shawn Tuckley!

#87: Incredible! The Battle For The Survival Of Gaming Begins!!

#87: Incredible! The Battle For The Survival Of Gaming Begins!! published on No Comments on #87: Incredible! The Battle For The Survival Of Gaming Begins!!

An absolutely epic and awesome strip here, with an unfortunate disclaimer in the last panel from Shawn. It’s such a shame we didn’t see his grand vision come to life!

#88: Thompson’s Last Stand

#88: Thompson’s Last Stand published on No Comments on #88: Thompson’s Last Stand

It seems like Jack is finally finished.. but tragedy strikes. The return of a beloved character.. but a terrible sacrifice. The tears are already starting to well up, folks..

#89: Goodbye Graham, Gaming’s Son

#89: Goodbye Graham, Gaming’s Son published on 1 Comment on #89: Goodbye Graham, Gaming’s Son

What else can I say? Perhaps Shawn’s most beautiful and moving strip to date. I’m choking back tears just posting this one. So glad to share it with you all again!

#90: Justice Finally Served

#90: Justice Finally Served published on No Comments on #90: Justice Finally Served

We’re finally reaching the end of the “Switchy on Trial” story – only one strip left! So happy to see Jack finally get what’s coming to him!!

#91: The World We Deserve

#91: The World We Deserve published on No Comments on #91: The World We Deserve

Finally.. the unforgettable “Switchy on Trial” storyline has come to an end, and in such a beautiful way. Thanks for joining us in reliving this incredible arc that changed the face of gaming webcomics forever!!